NuSphere PhpED - Versions comparison
The table below represents the differences between PhpED Personal and Professional versions. For detailed information about PhpED features please see features overview. |
Feature |
PhpED 21.0 Personal |
PhpED 21.0 Professional |
Full support for PHP 8.3 |
Dynamic Syntax Highlighting  |
In-place Highlighting for Variables, Methods, and Functions |
Code Folding  |
Support for Unicode and more than 300 international charsets  |
Modern Look&Feel, Intuitive Docking, File Groups  |
Full Support for Remote Projects |
Syntax Highlighting for multiple languages, including PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Smarty And Many Others |
Auto Highlite Variable (Mark Occurences) for PHP, JavaScript, HTML |
Code Reindent |
Code Templates |
Code Completion for PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS  |
Support for HTML DOM, jQuery and extJS code completion |
Support for TypeHints in PhpDoc, CssDoc and JsDoc |
Project-Wide Code Explorer |
Position-Tracking Code-Navigator  |
Tool Tips for Function Arguments |
Inline Syntax Error Analysis for PHP, HTML, CSS, JSON, JavaScript and SCCS |
Support for HTML5.0 and CSS3.0 |
Support for LESS |
Support for Drupal, Joomla, Zend Framework and other PHP Frameworks |
Inline HTML Validator * |
Workspace Manager with support for Worksets and Projects  |
Pre-built PHP DBG Debugger for popuplar platforms including Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OSX, and others |
Local PHP Debugger  |
Remote PHP Debugger  |
JavaScript Debugger |
Remote CLI Debugging |
Php Framework Support: MVC display, Code Insight and debugging |
Safe PHP debugging with IP-Based Debugger Security |
Safe PHP debugging with TLS-Encrypted Debugger Protocol |
Authenticated access to PHP debugger with SSL Certificates |
Debugger Toolbar for Internet Explorer and Google Chrome |
Expression True Global Breakpoints |
Triggering Debugger on Errors and Exceptions  |
Multiple Parallel Debug Sessions |
Evaluate and Modify in PHP Debugger Window |
SSH Tunnels for Remote PHP Debugging |
Advanced PHP profiler |
PHP SQL Profiler |
PHP Memory Profile |
One mouse click refactoring with side by side changes viewer |
Side by Side Differences viewer for Local and Remote Files |
Full integration with phpUnit for test managament  |
Code Coverage |
phpUnit in Remote Projects |
Quick Search and Find Usage for easy navigation in PHP Editor |
Numbered and Unnumbered bookmarks |
Fast Open File in PHP Editor |
Launch Box |
Mozilla, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome embedded browsers |
Working with Different External Browsers |
Smart Upload/Download/Sync Web Site Synchronization |
Publishing with FTP, FTPS(SSL), SFTP, WebDav, WebDav/SSL and Samba/Windows Share protocols |
Multiple publishing targets per project |
Embedded Terminal Client (Telnet and SSH) |
Php Documentor * |
CVS Support |
Tortoise CVS, SVN, Mercurial and GIT Support |
Database Client |
Edit & Preview for HTML, CSS and PHP |
Support for all versions of PHP from 5.4 up to 8.3 |
Integration With Nucoder PHP Encoder |
Project Settings Wizard |
NuSoap Wizard |
NuSoap Library for Building SOAP Servers and Clients |
DB Wizard |
Context Sensitive Help |
Embedded SRV Web Server for Local Debugging |
Bundled PHP-5.6, PHP-7.4 and PHP-8.3 packages |
Standalone PHP-8.2 package |
1 Year of Free upgrades to new major versions and other new releases |
1 Year of Free maintenance updates, including hot fixes |
14 Days Installation Support |
Prioritized 1 Year Technical E-Support |
License permits using the product for personal needs only |
License permits using the product in companies and in other commercial entities |
Multi-license discounts available |
Price (Downloadable Version) |
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* These features are provided by 3rd party tools.
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"To be honest its bloody awesome, I have looked at loads of PHP editors and this is THE only one that actual works straight out of the box!!! Brilliant, well done."
Andrew Breward, Director of Technology
Dr. Dobb's
Dr. Dobb's Magazine covers NuSphere PhpED in New and Noteworthy section.

PhpED is a proper, world-class IDE for PHP code. It is the only IDE worth considering if PHP development is your primary job

You can work on multiple projects simultaneously and debugging is a breeze
People say
"Your IDE is the best thing out there for php programming today. Keep up the great work!"
Clint Sulis, Multimedia Internet Services, Inc.
"A fantastic piece of software! After years of wondering why no one has developed good software for PHP development, finally NuSphere has the answer."
Ryan John O'Neill, Pupil Tracking Limited
"The product is great! It's good to have a tool to do ALL the programming and debugging."
Tony Wosnjuk, developer