NuSphere PhpED - Licensing
NuSphere offers several license options to provide the best productivity for your projects.
PhpED Professional
PhpED 21.0 Professional is your choice of php development tool if you are not setting down for compromises. Productivity is the key point of this version. PhpED Professional brings together all the development components necessary for the full PHP application lifecycle.
According to our customers, PhpED 21.0 professional saves up to 75% of development time.
Recommended for professional php developers as a main programming tool.
PhpED Professional comes with 1 year of free upgrades to major versions and web-based technical support.
PhpED Personal
For individual developers buying IDE with their own funds, no reimbursement by any business entities is allowed, can not be purchased by companies. Comes with 1 full year of upgrades and updates.
All features are available including remote debugging
A Personal License is not available to a company or an individual who expects reimbursement of the license fee from a company. A Personal License is property of an individual who have purchased it using his/her own funds. Transfer of a personal license to a company or other individuals is prohibited by the PhpED Personal License Agreement.
PhpED Student Special
NuSphere allows qualified education end users to purchase NuSphere PhpED at discounted price.
Education end users are full-time students, faculty, staff and employees of government-certified education institutions, and public or private universities and colleges.
Read more about application requirements.
NuSphere Advantage
NuSphere Advantage is a unique offering from NuSphere that gives you an opportunity to have the best of breed PHP IDE (PhpED), PHP Encoder (NuCoder) and one of a kind Windows deployment solution (PhpDock) - all with one purchase at a great discount. What makes it even better is PhpED seamless integration with encoding tools of NuCoder, you don't ever need to leave your IDE to edit, debug, encrypt your code and deploy it - all at once. NuSphere Advantage brings all the development components necessary for the full Web application lifecycle and unmatched support and upgrade policy.
This package includes:
- PhpED Professional package - PHP IDE from NuSphere
- NuCoder - PHP Encoder from NuSphere.
- PhpDock - Unique php deployment solution from NuSphere.
PhpED Academic
Spread the knowledge! NuSphere is committed to helping the schools around the world to get the best software for the students and Faculty.
Academic edition of PhpED is FREE For trainers and educational institutions
Read more about application requirements.
NuSphere also offers non-profit discount for accredited non-profit institutions. If you think that you may be eligible for a non-profit discount, please contact us via web form.
Download NuSphere PHP IDE
Download a free trial of the fast PHP EDitor and robust Integrated Development Environment for PHP.
Buy NuSphere PhpED® now
Special Team4 Offer
Get 4 copies of PhpED for the price of 3!
Optimum solution for development teams.
Need more than 4 licenses? Contact Us for more quantity discounts, please use "Ordering/Payment issue" subject on the form.
"To be honest its bloody awesome, I have looked at loads of PHP editors and this is THE only one that actual works straight out of the box!!! Brilliant, well done."
Andrew Breward, Director of Technology
Dr. Dobb's
Dr. Dobb's Magazine covers NuSphere PhpED in New and Noteworthy section.

PhpED is a proper, world-class IDE for PHP code. It is the only IDE worth considering if PHP development is your primary job

You can work on multiple projects simultaneously and debugging is a breeze