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SSH Client in NuSphere PhpED

PHP Editor SSH - why, you may ask? The goal of PHP IDE is to serve all of PHP developer's needs - including those that are not directly related to the task of writing PHP Code. PhpED is a unique PHP IDE because of its integrated terminal accounts allowing you to access the remote computers via telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) with out ever leaving the IDE. The expertise of NuSphere's development team goes far beyond the php debugger and advanced PHP Editor features - we are also experts in networking and remote file access solutions. PhpED's PHP IDE SSH account almost literally brings the security and the convenience of SSH to your finger tips. PHP Editor SSH

How to setup SSH in PHP Editor/IDE

PHP IDE SSH account can be setup using PhpED's Tools->Accounts GUI. To setup new SSH account you need to select New-Secure Shell (SSH) from the Pop Up menu of the Terminals item in Tools->Accounts GUI as shown on the picture.
The SSH Properties dialog will be launched and the setup is pretty straight forward. You will need to
  • Enter the Hostname or IP of the server
  • Enter the User name and Password
  • Most of the time you will accept the default values for the rest of the settings
PHP IDE SSH account
  • You can create new SSH settings or modify the existing ones at the Keys tab of the accounts dialog
PHP IDE SSH settings

How to run SSH client from PhpED - PHP IDE

When you have one or more SSH accounts setup in PhpED you can launch SSH to the remote hosts. The accounts are accessible via Terminals tab by the default located on the right side of the IDE. To make the SSH connection you can:
  • Open the Terminals tab
  • Double click on the SSH account that you would like to launch
  • SSH Terminal will come up. For example, the screenshot below shows the SSH connection from PhpED PHP IDE to the Macintosh SSH server
If you didn't select Save password (which is recommended security practice) you will be promoted to enter the password and the username for SSH account.

How to change the appearance of the SSH terminal in PhpED

The properties of PHP Editor SSH terminal as well as other terminals can be adjusted to your liking.
  • Select Tools->Setting->Tools->Terminals and set the settings to your preferences.
PHP Editor SSH terminal

In this tutorial you learned about PHP Editor SSH controls available in PhpED and simple and convenient ways to create and use SSH accounts and terminals. It is also worth mentioning that PhpED's php debugger can be configured to use SSH for communications the IDE. You can get additional information about PHP Editor SSH on NuSphere Forum. Download a free trial of our PHP IDE today!

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PhpED is a proper, world-class IDE for PHP code. It is the only IDE worth considering if PHP development is your primary job