PHP Code Explorer and Navigation
How to navigate through PHP code in PhpED's PHP Code Navigator
Good programming practice calls for smaller sizes of the files. However, the reality is that PHP files might be quite large, especially if it has additional HTML and Javascript tags in it. PhpED's PHP Code Navigator keeps track of cursor position in the file and highlights the PHP class or function corresponding to the position of the cursor. You can learn more about PHP Code Navigator here.
How to explore PHP code in PhpED's PHP Code Explorer
Navigation through PHP code becomes very tricky when the number of PHP files on the web site reaches a certain point. Learn how you can use PhpED's PHP Code Explorer tab to navigate to any PHP class, function and variable in the Project with a simple click on the tree element.
How to navigate between PHP files
NuSphere's PHP Editor will help you to work with the Projects of any size. You can support the virtually unlimited number of PHP and other Files. Moving between the open files can be tricky - but not if you are doing it with PhpED.
You can see how PHP Code Explorer and PHP Code Navigator can help you code PHP Faster if you Download a free trial of NuSphere's PHP IDE today!
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"To be honest its bloody awesome, I have looked at loads of PHP editors and this is THE only one that actual works straight out of the box!!! Brilliant, well done."
Andrew Breward, Director of Technology
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Dr. Dobb's
Dr. Dobb's Magazine covers NuSphere PhpED in New and Noteworthy section.

PhpED is a proper, world-class IDE for PHP code. It is the only IDE worth considering if PHP development is your primary job