Encode PHP Graphical User Interface for Windows - encode all of your PHP files with one click of a button, deploy on Unix, Linux, Windows or Mac
Command Line Encoder for Unix, Linux and Mac OS operating systems

Graphical and
Command Line Encoder for Windows
Encode in PHP IDE
License Manager for generation of license files for encoded PHP Scripts

Ability to generate licenses automatically on-demand on the server

Encoding PHP Scripts with compiled bytecodes

Better execution performance than regular PHP files

Support for both PHP versions 4 and 5 - including PHP 5.3

Multi-level Obfuscation - Encode PHP Files and obfuscate the code in it by replacing the names of the variables, functions, methods of objects and scripts with generated ones

Tight integration with all NuSphere products, such as PhpED and PhpDock

Whole set of API functions available in

And more ...
NuSphere provides three different interfaces with Nu-Coder:

Encode and protect PHP files in the entire given directory and its sub-directories

Encode single PHP file and save results into output file.

Tell Nu-Coder to create output file's name by appending given extension at the end of the source file name

Overwrite the source file with encoded content

Perform Syntax check only and not produce any encoded content

In directory processing mode, encode only files with certain extensions (defaults are php and inc)

Copy all non-php files into target directory

Ignore errors and continue encoding

Turn off support for short php tags <? ?>

Turn on support for asp style php tags <%>

Keep extended information for php debugger and php profiler

Preserve line numbers information

Do not strip php-doc comments, useful for reflection

Exclude specified files from encoding when processing entire directories. For example Nu-Coder will not encode config_mysite.php if --exclude option is specified as
--exclude config*.php

Ability to exclude specified files from copying when option -copyall is used

Ability to automatically load
PhpExpress - NuSphere's FREE PHP Accelerator and loader from extensions directory even if it is not loaded in php.ini (for PHP 5.2 and higher only)

When PHP interpreter executes any PHP script it first compiles the script into bytecodes. However Nu-Coder produces PHP files that have been already compiled into bytecodes.

PhpExpress loads encoded PHP scripts directly into PHP engine saving time and boosting performance of PHP interpretor

PhpExpress also implements caching for PHP engine and accelerates execution process even if PHP Script is not encoded