Protect PHP files with Nu-Coder's License Manager
License Manager for encoded PHP files helps you to manage the distribution of PHP applications by generating license keys that can required by encoded files to run. Using license manager you can create trial and demo versions of PHP applications without any code changes.
License Manager is part of Nu-Coder - NuSphere PHP Encoder along with Nu-Coder's Command Line Interface and Graphical User Interface to Nu-Coder in NuSphere's PHP IDE. You can create Licenses for encoded PHP files on the most platforms, including of course Windows and Linux.
How to generate license file
With Nu-Coder's License Manager you can generate License files for your applications allowing PHP scripts execution based on:
 Time expiry - the license can be set to expire of specific date or after specific time interval
 Usage Restricted to specific hardware- linked to hardware id
 Usage Restricted to specific virtual host - linked to Virtual Host Name
 Usage Restricted to specific IP - linked to the PHP server IP
These and other encoding and license generation options are described in PHP Encoder User Guide
How to run Nu-Coder's License Manager
Nu-Coder's License Manager can be invoked using Coder's Command Line Interface and Graphical User Interface to Nu-Coder in NuSphere's PHP IDE. Graphic User Interface to License Manager is available in PhpED's versions 5.5 and higher.
How to use Nu-Coder's License Manager Command Line Interface
You can generate License files for encoded PHP files by running nu-licgen executable, available for Windows, Linux and Unix. The syntax for generation of the licenses is very simple:
nu-licgen [options]
where options control the keywords used for license generation, expiration time, attributes, allowed host names, IPs and IDs and much more - see the full list of options in PHP Encoder's User Guide.
For example, to generate an evaluation license for your PHP application you can use the following command on the shell prompt:
nu-licgen -k "super-store 1.1 trial" -a caption="super-store version 1.1" -x caption --lperiod 14 license_name.txt
Generated license file license_name.txt will be good for 14 days from the moment of creation and will have one attribute called "caption". Attribute caption is going to be visible in the license file.
To link PHP files from c:\myproject\source to license_name.txt the following syntax should be used when running Nu-Coder's PHP Encoder from Command Line:
nu-coder.exe -k "super-store 1.1 trial" c:\myproject\source
How to use License Manager API
Encoded PHP scripts can use License manager API to check for license files being required, load license files, check for the attributes encoded in the license and much more. This API is implemented in PhpExpress- special loader present in PHP interpreter. PhpExpress is NuSphere Free PHP loader and accelerator that provides support for encoded files and also speeds up the execution of regular PHP files. PhpExpress can be downloaded from NuSphere website and distributed Free Of Charge without limitations. Every Nu-Coder installation also comes with PhpExpress.
For example, you can use Nu-Coder's License Manager API to notify your customers about upcoming expiration of the license:
 generate your license with the following attribute: -a Expires='15052008':
nu-licgen -k "super-store 1.1 trial" -a Expires='15052008' --ldate <05/15/2008> license_name.txt
The command above creates the license expiring on 05/15/2008 and also puts an attribute "Expires" in it
 Now you can use this attribute in your encoded PHP script, linked to this license:
$exp_date = pelm_get_attribute('Expires');
if (exp_date == date('dMY')) {
mail('', 'Your license is about to expire', $message);
NuCoder CLI and License Manager are available on many platforms, including
Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Windows, and many others. Complete list of
supported platforms matches the list for Php Express. See this page for details.
You can learn about all of the API functions in PHP Encoder's User Guide.
In this tutorial you learn about protecting PHP files with License Manager of Nu-Coder. Download a FREE trial of Nu-Coder today!
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