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<Sensitive filesSetup remote debugging>
Last updated: Sat, 30 Dec 2023

HOWTO: Run debug session?


If you you have a project created in PhpED IDE and you use either 3rd party web server or SRV local WEB server shipped with PhpED or you want to debug with php cli executable, you can open PHP script that your want to debug in the editor and click Run in debugger (F9) button like shown on the screenshot.
After debug session has finished and you got the page rendered in the browser, all subsequent clicks on the URLs or submit buttons will trigger debugger again. In most cases it's exactly what you need. Otherwise, just uncheck Run->Debug session and debugger will trigger only once.
NOTE: if submit or navigation is done to a different domain name or with different protocol used (HTTPS vs HTTP) debugger won't trigger implicitly

II. Debugger Toolbar

You can use Debugger Toolbar available for Internet Explorer browser. With this feature, you can navigate to the page you want to debug, and click Debug button on the toolbar.

After debug session has finished and you got the page rendered in the browser, all subsequent clicks on the URLs or submit buttons will trigger debugger again. In most cases it's exactly what you need.
Otherwise, uncheck Run->Debug Session in PhpED or Debug Session checkbox in the toolbar menu and debugger will trigger only once.
Debugger toolbar is also available for Google Chrome browser. Similarly, you can open your page in this browser, enable debugger in the popup menu and click refresh to have debugger triggered. Note: to have this URL button appeared, it's necessary to add web domain name to the list of allowed allowed domains on the toolbar Options page. Debug Session can be unchecked here too. This toolbar you can download from Google Chrome hosting center on this page
It's known that Debugger Toolbar maintained by 3rd party author is available for FireFox browser.


<form ....>
<input type="hidden" name="DBGSESSID" value="1;d=1">
See this topic for further details about DBGSESSID syntax



V. Command line

php myscript.php DBGSESSID=1;d=1

VI. Environment variable

unix way:

set DBGSESSID=1;d=1 && php myscript.php
windows way:
set DBGSESSID=1;d=1 php myscript.php

VII. Debugger API



Run PhpED, Tools->Open URL, type target URL and check Run Debug Session

IX. Launch Box

Run PhpED, View->Launch Box. History of all "run with debugger" commands executed in the IDE is kept here. You can re-run any of them.

<Sensitive filesSetup remote debugging>
Last updated: Sat, 30 Dec 2023