Sample Application supplied with PhpDock
PhpDock installation program also installs PhpDock Currency Converter - simple but very educational PHP Application, which allows the User to convert various currencies to one another.
The illustration below shows Currency Converter Application in PhpDock.
Architecture of PhpDock's Sample Application
PhpDock Currency Converter makes use of Sqlite, Web Services and NuSphere's NuSoap library for Web Services in PHP. The User is free to redistribute PhpDock Currency Converter as long as the references and links to NuSphere's web site are left intact. PhpDock Currency Converter is developed entirely in PhpED, world's leading PHP IDE provided by NuSphere. PhpED's Db Wizzard and NuSoap client features were crucial for development of Sqlite layer and Web Services client code.
The following diagram is a brief overview of PhpDock Currency Converter application.
PhpDock Currency Converter consists of four sets of PHP scripts and Sqlite database file. The user interface is database driven - the list of currencies available for conversion is dynamically generated from "currencies" table of converter.db Sqlite database.
This script is executed by PhpDock when the program starts as directed by Job section of PhpDock.ini file. converter-service.php is written with the help of NuSoap client of PhpED PHP IDE. It calls http://www.webservicex.com CurrencyConverted service to update the rates table of converter.db Sqlite database.
index.php and convert.php
These scripts are respective front and back end of the PhpDock Currency Converter. Index.php renders the form with two select elements for From and To Currencies. Select options are generated from converter.db. convert.php script fetches the rates stored in the database and performs the conversion calculations
Nusoap library php scripts
NuSoap scripts implement NuSphere NuSoap Web Services library. These scripts are installed to <PhpDockinstall directory>\PhpDock\web\lib folder and used by converter-service.php to send the requests to CurrencyConverter service. The user can obtain more information about NuSphere's NuSoap library from NuSoap Forum on NuSphere's Forums.
This is a utility script which implements SqliteDB class encapsulating Sqlite database connection layer. Sqlitedb.php is written with the help of DB Client available in of PhpED PHP IDE.
This is Sqlite database file. Converter database containts two tables:
- currencies - the list of available currencies mapped to their symbols
- rates - conversion rates for given currencies
The user can study the schema of the tables using DB Client available in PhpED PHP IDE.
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People say
"Utilizing PHPDock was especially convenient because it lead to the deployment of a single code base to online web servers and offline computers. Moreover, with many different online applications already written in PHP at SALTO-YOUTH, using PHP for this application allowed PHP to be retained as the single programming language."