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Configuration and Settings of PhpDock

PhpDock's settings are contained in a single file, named PhpDock.ini. PhpDock installation program places PhpDock.ini in the top level directory of PhpDock. The following section of this manual described various types of configurations and settings available in PhpDock.

How to make the brand of the applications deployed with PhpDock appear in PhpDock window?

PhpDock allows you to:
  • place your own title on PhpDock window
  • use your own icon for both system tray and application icon.
Both title and the icon can be configured in [Application] section of phpdock.ini file using icon and title directives, for example:
;useIicon directive to specify the icon for system tray
;file favicon.ico in the root of the site will be used for window's icon
Learn more about icon and Title directives in the description of phpdock.ini file.

How to run PhpDock application as Kiosk

PhpDock can be configured to run as a Kiosk - Full-Screen mode. You can invoke Kiosk mode with KioskMode=1 instruction in [Window] section of the config file.

How to handle errors in PHP Application?

PhpDock allows you to specify error handlers. If for example Application produces HTTP/404 File Not Found error, PhpDock can be configured to display pre-defined page or run pre-defined script. Latter one gets additional information about the error, such as URL, Filename and Error code. All errors starting with code 400 can be handled this way.

How to run PHP Scripts in background?

PhpDock allows you to specify scripts to be run in background. It's a useful feature for such tasks as online updates.

Can PhpDock handle different Mime types?

PhpDock supports about approx 140 file extensions and their mime types. These types can be changed so for example CSS will be handled as PHP if its type is changed from text/css to application/x-httpd-php.

Can PhpDock be configured to block popup windows?

You can instruct PhpDock to block popup windows if desired.

How to Bind PhpDock Web Server to a specific address

PhpDock configuration allows to bind its web server to a specific address with Bind instruction of [HTTPServer] section. If Bind is missing, the server will bind to localhost. You can use wild card * to bind to all addresses.

How to setup all configuration settings for PhpDock?

All PhpDock settings are stored in one ini file. This file controls every aspect of PHP Application's behavior when it is running in PhpDock. Learn more about PhpDock.ini - PHP Application deployment config file.

How to package User Application with PhpDock?

PhpDock is a deployment tool, so it is expected to be packaged for the distribution to multiple end users of the User Application. The developers are free to use the installation program of their choice to package PhpDock and the Application scripts together such that when installed the same directory structure is preserved under PhpDock installation directory. Typically the end user installer would unpacks PhpDock, PHP and the Application itself into a target directory and set up a link in the user's start menu.

In this tutorial you learnt how to configure PHP Applications to deploy them with PhpDock. You probably noticed that the syntax of the directives used in PhpDock.ini is very similar to that of php.ini - configuration file used by PHP. This is of course because the main goal of the entire design of PhpDock is reduce to a bare minimum the learning curve and the amount of effort needed to start using PhpDock for running PHP Applications.

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 People say

"Utilizing PHPDock was especially convenient because it lead to the deployment of a single code base to online web servers and offline computers. Moreover, with many different online applications already written in PHP at SALTO-YOUTH, using PHP for this application allowed PHP to be retained as the single programming language."
Matthias Pigulla,
webfactory GmbH