To build the PDO_INFORMIX extension, the Informix Client SDK 2.81 UC1 or
higher must be installed on the same system as PHP. The Informix Client
SDK is available from the IBM Informix
Support Site.
PDO_INFORMIX is a PECL extension, so
follow the instructions in Chapter 7 to install the
PDO_INFORMIX extension. Issue the configure command
to point to the location of your Informix Client SDK header files and
libraries as follows:
bash$ ./configure --with-pdo-informix=/path/to/SDK[,shared] |
configure command defaults to the value of the
INFORMIXDIR environment variable.
PDO_INFORMIX supports scrollable cursors; however, they are not enabled
by default. To enable scrollable cursor support, you must either set
connection settings in odbc.ini or pass
the EnableScrollableCursors=1 clause in the DSN
connection string.