Piracy Protection: PHP developers and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) can safely distribute their source code, knowing that their intellectual property is protected.
Reduced support burden: Since technical support personnel will be able to rule out PHP source code modifications.
Enhanced compliance: Enterprise customers can enforce internal policies and easily provide the support for a company's PHP Applications.
Ease of Use: Encode your entire PHP website with one click of a button.
Highest Performance: Your source is protected and it runs faster!
Tightest integration: Encode your PHP Files and entire projects in NuSphere's PhpED -
PHP IDE with just one mouse click (available in PhpED 5.0). NuSphere's
PHP Deployment solution PhpDock comes with full support for PHP scripts encoded with Nu-Coder.
Technical Support: We confidently stand behind our products and that includes our industry-leading technical support.

The most productive encoding of PHP files

Easy to use highly intuitive Graphical User Intreface

Maximum compatibility with PHP versions starting with PHP 4.3 and all the way up to PHP 5.3

Multi leveled Obfuscation not only replacing the names of the local variables, but also the functions, making unauthorized reverse engineering enormously difficult

Support for end-user licenses with time expiration, ip/domain restrictions, and MAC restrictions provided with
License Manager

Unmatched support for PHP scripts using all possible PHP syntax constructs.

Full Support of future versions of PHP

And much more
Enjoy NuSphere'suser friendly policy of Free Upgrades and get future versions of Nu-Coder with more exciting features. Upcoming versions of PhpED and PhpDOCK will also feature full support and integration with Nu-Coder