array('UTF-8', 'en'), 'content' => array('index.html', 'Contents'), 'home' => array('index.html', 'Core JavaScript Reference'), 'this' => array('packages.html', 'Packages'), 'prev' => array('object.html', 'Object'), 'next' => array('regexp.html', 'RegExp'), 'toc' => array( array('preface.html', 'About this Book', 0), /* array('preface.html#1003152', 'New Features in this Release', 1), array('preface.html#1005135', 'What You Should Already Know', 1), array('preface.html#1003515', 'JavaScript Versions', 1), array('preface.html#1001692', 'Where to Find JavaScript Information', 1), array('preface.html#1001745', 'Document Conventions', 1), */ array('partobj.html', 'Part 1', 0), array('objintro.html', 'Chapter 1. Objects, Methods, and Properties', 0), array('array.html', 'Array', 1), array('boolean.html', 'Boolean', 1), array('date.html', 'Date', 1), array('function.html', 'Function', 1), array('java.html', 'java', 1), array('javarray.html', 'JavaArray', 1), array('javclass.html', 'JavaClass', 1), array('javobj.html', 'JavaObject', 1), array('javpkg.html', 'JavaPackage', 1), array('math.html', 'Math', 1), array('netscape.html', 'netscape', 1), array('number.html', 'Number', 1), array('object.html', 'Object', 1), array('packages.html', 'Packages', 1), array('regexp.html', 'RegExp', 1), array('string.html', 'String', 1), array('sun.html', 'sun', 1), array('toplev.html', 'Chapter 2. Top-Level Properties and Functions', 0), /* array('toplev.html#1120957', 'decodeURI', 1), array('toplev.html#1119005', 'decodeURIComponent', 1), array('toplev.html#1118346', 'encodeURI', 1), array('toplev.html#1115986', 'encodeURIComponent', 1), array('toplev.html#1063795', 'eval', 1), array('toplev.html#1063963', 'Infinity', 1), array('toplev.html#1063988', 'isFinite', 1), array('toplev.html#1064024', 'isNaN', 1), array('toplev.html#1064064', 'NaN', 1), array('toplev.html#1064092', 'Number', 1), array('toplev.html#1064132', 'parseFloat', 1), array('toplev.html#1064173', 'parseInt', 1), array('toplev.html#1064506', 'String', 1), array('toplev.html#1094680', 'undefined', 1), */ array('partlang.html', 'Part 2', 0), array('stmt.html', 'Chapter 3. Statements', 0), /* array('stmt.html#1081298', 'break', 1), array('stmt.html#1077887', 'const', 1), array('stmt.html#1078923', 'continue', 1), array('stmt.html#1037353', 'do...while', 1), array('stmt.html#1016648', 'export', 1), array('stmt.html#1004804', 'for', 1), array('stmt.html#1004815', '', 1), array('stmt.html#1004825', 'function', 1), array('stmt.html#1004833', 'if...else', 1), array('stmt.html#1082618', 'import', 1), array('stmt.html#1018088', 'label', 1), array('stmt.html#1004871', 'return', 1), array('stmt.html#1018610', 'switch', 1), array('stmt.html#1052196', 'throw', 1), array('stmt.html#1051663', 'try...catch', 1), array('stmt.html#1066604', 'var', 1), array('stmt.html#1004896', 'while', 1), array('stmt.html#1004910', 'with', 1), */ array('comment.html', 'Chapter 4. Comments', 0), /* array('comment.html#1066617', 'comment', 1), */ array('ops.html', 'Chapter 5. Operators', 0), /* array('ops.html#1042274', 'Assignment Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1060974', 'Comparison Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1050908', 'Using the Equality Operators', 2), array('ops.html#1042400', 'Arithmetic Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1042403', '% (Modulus)', 2), array('ops.html#1042412', '++ (Increment)', 2), array('ops.html#1042421', '-- (Decrement)', 2), array('ops.html#1042430', '- (Unary Negation)', 2), array('ops.html#1042437', 'Bitwise Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1042500', 'Bitwise Logical Operators', 2), array('ops.html#1042512', 'Bitwise Shift Operators', 2), array('ops.html#1044813', 'Logical Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1042582', 'String Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1042588', 'Special Operators', 1), array('ops.html#1045406', '?: (Conditional operator)', 2), array('ops.html#1045439', ', (Comma operator)', 2), array('ops.html#1045837', 'delete', 2), array('ops.html#1066344', 'function', 2), array('ops.html#1066286', 'in', 2), array('ops.html#1055015', 'instanceof', 2), array('ops.html#1055898', 'new', 2), array('ops.html#1043482', 'this', 2), array('ops.html#1042603', 'typeof', 2), array('ops.html#1042625', 'void', 2), */ array('partjava.html', 'Part 3. LiveConn', 0), array('classint.html', 'Chapter 6. Java Classes, Constructors, and Methods', 0), /* array('lcjsexc.html#1193143', 'JSException', 1), array('lcjsobj.html#1193143', 'JSObject', 1), */ array('partapp.html', 'Part 4', 0), array('keywords.html', 'Appendix A. Reserved Words', 0), array('deprecat.html', 'Appendix B. Deprecated Features', 0), array('ix.html#573', 'Index', 0) ))); manual_header(); ?>


A top-level object used to access Java classes from within JavaScript code.

Core object  


Implemented in  

JavaScript 1.1, NES 2.0  

Created by
The Packages object is a top-level, predefined JavaScript object. You can automatically access it without using a constructor or calling a method.

The Packages object lets you access the public methods and fields of an arbitrary Java class from within JavaScript. The java, netscape, and sun properties represent the packages java.*, netscape.*, and sun.* respectively. Use standard Java dot notation to access the classes, methods, and fields in these packages. For example, you can access a constructor of the Frame class as follows:

var theFrame = new;

For convenience, JavaScript provides the top-level netscape, sun, and java objects that are synonyms for the Packages properties with the same names. Consequently, you can access Java classes in these packages without the Packages keyword, as follows:

var theFrame = new java.awt.Frame();

The className property represents the fully qualified path name of any other Java class that is available to JavaScript. You must use the Packages object to access classes outside the netscape, sun, and java packages.

Property Summary





The fully qualified name of a Java class in a package other than netscape, java, or sun that is available to JavaScript.  



Any class in the Java package java.*.  



Any class in the Java package netscape.*.  



Any class in the Java package sun.*.  

The following JavaScript function creates a Java dialog box:

function createWindow() {
   var theOwner = new;
   var theWindow = new;
   theWindow.setTitle("Hello, World");

In the previous example, the function instantiates theWindow as a new Packages object. The setSize, setTitle, and setVisible methods are all available to JavaScript as public methods of java.awt.Dialog.


The fully qualified name of a Java class in a package other than netscape, java, or sun that is available to JavaScript.

Property of  


Implemented in  

JavaScript 1.1, NES 2.0  


where classname is the fully qualified name of a Java class.

You must use the className property of the Packages object to access classes outside the netscape, sun, and java packages.

The following code accesses the constructor of the CorbaObject class in the myCompany package from JavaScript:

var theObject = new Packages.myCompany.CorbaObject()

In the previous example, the value of the className property is myCompany.CorbaObject, the fully qualified path name of the CorbaObject class.


Any class in the Java package java.*.

Property of  


Implemented in  

JavaScript 1.1, NES 2.0  


Use the java property to access any class in the java package from within JavaScript. Note that the top-level object java is a synonym for

The following code accesses the constructor of the java.awt.Frame class:

var theOwner = new;

You can simplify this code by using the top-level java object to access the constructor as follows:

var theOwner = new java.awt.Frame();


Any class in the Java package netscape.*.

Property of  


Implemented in  

JavaScript 1.1, NES 2.0  


Use the netscape property to access any class in the netscape package from within JavaScript. Note that the top-level object netscape is a synonym for Packages.netscape.

See the example for


Any class in the Java package sun.*.

Property of  


Implemented in  

JavaScript 1.1, NES 2.0  


Use the sun property to access any class in the sun package from within JavaScript. Note that the top-level object sun is a synonym for Packages.sun.

See the example for