array('UTF-8', 'en'), 'content' => array('index.html', 'Contents'), 'home' => array('index.html', 'Core JavaScript Guide 1.5'), 'this' => array('ix.html#573', 'Index'), 'prev' => array('glossary.html#996904', 'Glossary'), 'next' => array('', ''), 'toc' => array( array('preface.html#1001665', 'About this Book', 0), /* array('preface.html#1003152', 'New Features in this Release', 1), array('preface.html#1001681', 'What You Should Already Know', 1), array('preface.html#1003515', 'JavaScript Versions', 1), array('preface.html#1001692', 'Where to Find JavaScript Information', 1), array('preface.html#1001745', 'Document Conventions', 1), */ array('intro.html#1009367', 'Chapter 1. JavaScript Overview', 0), /* array('intro.html#1009369', 'What Is JavaScript?', 1), array('intro.html#1012569', 'JavaScript and Java', 1), array('intro.html#1013654', 'JavaScript and the ECMA Specification', 1), array('intro.html#1013678', 'Relationship Between JavaScript and ECMA Versions', 2), array('intro.html#1013717', 'JavaScript Documentation vs. the ECMA Specification', 2), array('intro.html#1013722', 'JavaScript and ECMA Terminology', 2), array('intro.html#1023167', 'New Features in this Release', 1), */ array('partcore.html#999869', 'Part 1. Core Language Features', 0), array('ident.html#1008302', 'Chapter 2. Values, Variables, and Literals', 0), /* array('ident.html#1008306', 'Values', 1), array('ident.html#1008319', 'Data Type Conversion', 2), array('ident.html#1008330', 'Variables', 1), array('ident.html#1008338', 'Declaring Variables', 2), array('ident.html#1012659', 'Evaluating Variables', 2), array('ident.html#1009822', 'Variable Scope', 2), array('ident.html#1012963', 'Constants', 1), array('ident.html#1013090', 'Literals', 1), array('ident.html#1011655', 'Array Literals', 2), array('ident.html#1012095', 'Boolean Literals', 2), array('ident.html#1009427', 'Floating-Point Literals', 2), array('ident.html#1008351', 'Integers', 2), array('ident.html#1009450', 'Object Literals', 2), array('ident.html#1008368', 'String Literals', 2), array('ident.html#1009568', 'Unicode', 1), array('ident.html#1009571', 'Unicode Compatibility with ASCII and ISO', 2), array('ident.html#1009576', 'Unicode Escape Sequences', 2), array('ident.html#1009690', 'Displaying Characters with Unicode', 2), */ array('expr.html#1008302', 'Chapter 3. Expressions and Operators', 0), /* array('expr.html#1010338', 'Expressions', 1), array('expr.html#1008323', 'Operators', 1), array('expr.html#1008336', 'Assignment Operators', 2), array('expr.html#1010037', 'Comparison Operators', 2), array('expr.html#1008458', 'Arithmetic Operators', 2), array('expr.html#1008505', 'Bitwise Operators', 2), array('expr.html#1008622', 'Logical Operators', 2), array('expr.html#1008684', 'String Operators', 2), array('expr.html#1008688', 'Special Operators', 2), array('expr.html#1008750', 'Operator Precedence', 2), */ array('regexp.html#1010922', 'Chapter 4. Regular Expressions', 0), /* array('regexp.html#1008311', 'Creating a Regular Expression', 1), array('regexp.html#1010689', 'Writing a Regular Expression Pattern', 1), array('regexp.html#1008325', 'Using Simple Patterns', 2), array('regexp.html#1008327', 'Using Special Characters', 2), array('regexp.html#1008498', 'Using Parentheses', 2), array('regexp.html#1008506', 'Working With Regular Expressions', 1), array('regexp.html#1008659', 'Using Parenthesized Substring Matches', 2), array('regexp.html#1008681', 'Executing a Global Search, Ignoring Case, and Considering Multiline Input', 2), array('regexp.html#1013064', 'Examples', 1), array('regexp.html#1008695', 'Changing the Order in an Input String', 2), array('regexp.html#1008713', 'Using Special Characters to Verify Input', 2), */ array('stmtsov.html#1008303', 'Chapter 5. Statements', 0), /* array('stmtsov.html#1016322', 'Block Statement', 1), array('stmtsov.html#1008319', 'Conditional Statements', 1), array('stmtsov.html#1008323', 'if...else Statement', 2), array('stmtsov.html#1008329', 'switch Statement', 2), array('stmtsov.html#1008340', 'Loop Statements', 1), array('stmtsov.html#1008347', 'for Statement', 2), array('stmtsov.html#1008359', 'do...while Statement', 2), array('stmtsov.html#1008366', 'while Statement', 2), array('stmtsov.html#1010474', 'label Statement', 2), array('stmtsov.html#1008389', 'break Statement', 2), array('stmtsov.html#1008402', 'continue Statement', 2), array('stmtsov.html#1008417', 'Object Manipulation Statements', 1), array('stmtsov.html#1008452', ' Statement', 2), array('stmtsov.html#1008460', 'with Statement', 2), array('stmtsov.html#1008468', 'Comments', 1), array('stmtsov.html#1011537', 'Exception Handling Statements', 1), array('stmtsov.html#1014198', 'The throw Statement', 2), array('stmtsov.html#1012168', 'The try...catch Statement', 2), */ array('fcns.html#1008302', 'Chapter 6. Functions', 0), /* array('fcns.html#1008305', 'Defining Functions', 1), array('fcns.html#1013889', 'Calling Functions', 1), array('fcns.html#1012766', 'Using the arguments Array', 1), array('fcns.html#1008357', 'Predefined Functions', 1), array('fcns.html#1008364', 'eval Function', 2), array('fcns.html#1009925', 'isFinite Function', 2), array('fcns.html#1008370', 'isNaN Function', 2), array('fcns.html#1008379', 'parseInt and parseFloat Functions', 2), array('fcns.html#1008394', 'Number and String Functions', 2), array('fcns.html#1012712', 'escape and unescape Functions', 2), */ array('obj.html#1008302', 'Chapter 7. Working with Objects', 0), /* array('obj.html#1008312', 'Objects and Properties', 1), array('obj.html#1008327', 'Creating New Objects', 1), array('obj.html#1008330', 'Using Object Initializers', 2), array('obj.html#1008361', 'Using a Constructor Function', 2), array('obj.html#1008392', 'Indexing Object Properties', 2), array('obj.html#1008397', 'Defining Properties for an Object Type', 2), array('obj.html#1008406', 'Defining Methods', 2), array('obj.html#1008434', 'Using this for Object References', 2), array('obj.html#1018325', 'Defining Getters and Setters', 2), array('obj.html#1008445', 'Deleting Properties', 2), array('obj.html#1010352', 'Predefined Core Objects', 1), array('obj.html#1008453', 'Array Object', 2), array('obj.html#1008502', 'Boolean Object', 2), array('obj.html#1008512', 'Date Object', 2), array('obj.html#1008590', 'Function Object', 2), array('obj.html#1008620', 'Math Object', 2), array('obj.html#1008686', 'Number Object', 2), array('obj.html#1018247', 'RegExp Object', 2), array('obj.html#1008731', 'String Object', 2), */ array('obj2.html#1013803', 'Chapter 8. Details of the Object Model', 0), /* array('obj2.html#1008342', 'Class-Based vs. Prototype-Based Languages', 1), array('obj2.html#1011360', 'Defining a Class', 2), array('obj2.html#1011368', 'Subclasses and Inheritance', 2), array('obj2.html#1011428', 'Adding and Removing Properties', 2), array('obj2.html#1011444', 'Summary of Differences', 2), array('obj2.html#1008388', 'The Employee Example', 1), array('obj2.html#1008404', 'Creating the Hierarchy', 1), array('obj2.html#1008465', 'Object Properties', 1), array('obj2.html#1008468', 'Inheriting Properties', 2), array('obj2.html#1008483', 'Adding Properties', 2), array('obj2.html#1008499', 'More Flexible Constructors', 1), array('obj2.html#1008567', 'Property Inheritance Revisited', 1), array('obj2.html#1008570', 'Local versus Inherited Values', 2), array('obj2.html#1008594', 'Determining Instance Relationships', 2), array('obj2.html#1008610', 'Global Information in Constructors', 2), array('obj2.html#1008628', 'No Multiple Inheritance', 2), */ array('partlc.html#999869', 'Part 2. Working with LiveConnect', 0), array('lc.html#1008305', 'Chapter 9. LiveConnect Overview', 0), /* array('lc.html#1013074', 'Working with Wrappers', 1), array('lc.html#1014290', 'JavaScript to Java Communication', 1), array('lc.html#1029016', 'The Packages Object', 2), array('lc.html#1029099', 'Working with Java Arrays', 2), array('lc.html#1029045', 'Package and Class References', 2), array('lc.html#1029446', 'Arguments of Type char', 2), array('lc.html#1033594', 'Handling Java Exceptions in JavaScript', 2), array('lc.html#1008480', 'Java to JavaScript Communication', 1), array('lc.html#1030717', 'Using the LiveConnect Classes', 2), array('lc.html#1037078', 'Data Type Conversions', 1), array('lc.html#1037090', 'JavaScript to Java Conversions', 2), array('lc.html#1037422', 'Java to JavaScript Conversions', 2), */ array('glossary.html#996904', 'Glossary', 0), array('ix.html#573', 'Index', 0) ))); manual_header(); ?>
  Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  


- (bitwise NOT) operator 1
- (unary negation) operator 1
-- (decrement) operator 1
! (logical NOT) operator 1
!= (not equal) operator 1
!== (strict not equal) operator 1
% (modulus) operator 1
%= operator 1
&& (logical AND) operator 1
& (bitwise AND) operator 1
&= operator 1
*/ comment 1
*= operator 1
+ (string concatenation) operator 1
++ (increment) operator 1
+= (string concatenation) operator 1
+= operator 1
/* comment 1
// comment 1
/= operator 1
< (less than) operator 1
<< (left shift) operator 1, 2
<<= operator 1
<= (less than or equal) operator 1
== (equal) operator 1
=== (strict equal) operator 1
-= operator 1
> (greater than) operator 1
>= (greater than or equal) operator 1
>> (sign-propagating right shift) operator 1, 2
>>= operator 1
>>> (zero-fill right shift) operator 1, 2
>>>= operator 1
?: (conditional) operator 1
^ (bitwise XOR) operator 1
^= operator 1
| (bitwise OR) operator 1
|= operator 1
|| (logical OR) operator 1
(comma) operator 1


1.5 features 1


AND (&&) logical operator 1
AND (&) bitwise operator 1
anonymous functions 1
arguments array 1
arithmetic operators 1
% (modulus) 1
-- (decrement) 1
- (unary negation) 1
++ (increment) 1
Array object
creating 1
overview 1
associative 1
defined 1
deleting elements 1
indexing 1
Java 1
literals 1
populating 1
referring to elements 1
regular expressions and 1
two-dimensional 1
undefined elements 1
glossary entry 1
Unicode and 1
assignment operators 1
%= 1
&= 1
*= 1
+= 1
/= 1
<<= 1
-= 1
>>= 1
>>>= 1
^= 1
|= 1
conditional statements and 1
defined 1


bitwise operators 1
& (AND) 1
- (NOT) 1
<< (left shift) 1, 2
>> (sign-propagating right shift) 1, 2
>>> (zero-fill right shift) 1, 2
^ (XOR) 1
| (OR) 1
logical 1
shift 1
BLOb, glossary entry 1
Boolean literals 1
Boolean object 1
conditional tests and 1, 2
Boolean type conversions (LiveConnect) 1
booleanValue method 1
break statement 1


capturing parentheses
capturing 1
case sensitivity 1
object names 1
property names 1
regular expressions and 1
case statement
See switch statement 1
catching exceptions 1
CGI, glossary entry 1
char arguments 1
class-based languages, defined 1
defining 1
Java 1
LiveConnect 1, 2
glossary entry 1
client-side JavaScript 1
glossary entry 1
comma () operator 1
comments, types of 1
comment statement 1
comparison operators 1
!= (not equal) 1
!== (strict not equal) 1
< (less than) 1
<= (less than or equal) 1
== (equal) 1
=== (strict equal) 1
> (greater than) 1
>= (greater than or equal) 1
conditional (?:) operator 1
conditional expressions 1
conditional statements 1, 2
if...else 1
switch 1
conditional tests
assignment operators and 1
conditional tests, Boolean objects and 1, 2
constant 1
constants 1
constructor functions 1
global information in 1
initializing property values with 1
specifying default object 1
with statement and 1
continue statement 1
CORBA, glossary entry 1
core JavaScript, glossary entry 1


data types
Boolean conversions 1
converting 1
converting with LiveConnect 1, 2
and Date object 1
JavaArray conversions 1
JavaClass conversions 1
JavaObject conversions 1
in JavaScript 1, 2
JavaScript to Java conversion 1
Java to JavaScript conversion 1
null conversions 1
number conversions 1
other conversions 1
string conversions 1
undefined conversions 1
Date object
creating 1
overview 1
decrement (--) operator 1
default objects, specifying 1
delete operator 1, 2
array elements 1
objects 1, 2
properties 1
deprecate, glossary entry 1
directories, conventions used 1
do...while statement 1
document conventions 1


ECMA, glossary entry 1
ECMAScript, glossary entry 1
ECMA specification 1, 2
JavaScript documentation and 1
JavaScript versions and 1
terminology 1
else statement
See if...else statement 1
escape function 1
escaping characters 1
Unicode 1
eval function 1
exceptions 1
catching 1
handling 1, 2
handling in Java 1
Java, handling in JavaScript 1
throwing 1
exec method 1
See also regular expressions 1
conditional 1
overview 1
that return no value 1
types of 1
external functions, glossary entry 1


floating-point literals 1
floatValue method 1 statement 1, 2
for loops
continuation of 1
sequence of execution 1
termination of 1
for statement 1
function keyword 1
Function object 1
functions 1
arguments array 1
calling 1
defining 1
Function object 1
predefined 1
recursive 1
using built-in 1
functions in expressions 1


getDay method 1
getHours method 1
getMember method 1
getMinutes method 1
getSeconds method 1
getters 1
getTime method 1
global object 1
greedy quantifiers 1


glossary entry 1
glossary entry 1


if...else statement 1
increment (++) operator 1
class-based languages and 1
multiple 1
property 1
initializers for objects 1
in operator 1
instanceof operator 1, 2
integers, in JavaScript 1
internationalization 1
IP address, glossary entry 1
isFinite function 1
isNaN function 1


See also LiveConnect 1
accessing JavaScript 1
accessing with LiveConnect 1
arrays in JavaScript 1
calling from JavaScript 1
classes 1
communication with JavaScript 1, 2
compared to JavaScript 1, 2, 3
exceptions in JavaScript 1
to JavaScript communication 1
JavaScript exceptions and 1
methods requiring char arguments 1
objects, naming in JavaScript 1
object wrappers 1
packages 1
JavaArray object 1, 2
JavaArray type conversions 1
JavaClass object 1, 2
JavaClass type conversions (LiveConnect) 1
JavaObject object 1, 2
JavaObject type conversions 1
java package 1
JavaPackage object 1, 2
accessing from Java 1
background for using 1
communication with Java 1, 2
compared to Java 1, 2, 3
differences between server and client 1
ECMA specification and 1
to Java Communication 1
object wrappers 1
overview 1
special characters 1
versions and Navigator 1
JSException class 1, 2
JSObject, accessing JavaScript with 1
JSObject class 1


labeled statements
with break 1
with continue 1
label statement 1
left shift (<<) operator 1, 2
length property 1
with no destination 1
literals 1
Array 1
Boolean 1
floating point 1
integers 1
object 1
string 1
LiveConnect 1, 2
accessing Java directly 1
converting data types 1, 2
glossary entry 1
Java to JavaScript communication 1
objects 1
logical operators 1
! (NOT) 1
&& (AND) 1
|| (OR) 1
short-circuit evaluation 1
lookahead assertions 1
continuation of 1 1
termination of 1
loop statements 1, 2
break 1
continue 1
do...while 1
for 1
label 1
while 1
lowercase 1


matching patterns
See regular expressions 1
match method 1
Math object 1
defined 1
defining 1
static 1
MIME, glossary entry 1
modulus (%) operator 1


Navigator, JavaScript versions supported 1
Navigator JavaScript. See client-side JavaScript 1
netscape package 1
Netscape packages
See packages 1
new operator 1, 2
non-capturing parentheses 1
non-capturing 1
NOT (!) logical operator 1
NOT (-) bitwise operator 1
null keyword 1
null value conversions (LiveConnect) 1
number formatting 1
Number function 1
Number object 1
Number object 1
parsing from strings 1
number type conversions (LiveConnect) 1


object manipulation statements 1
this keyword 1
with statement 1
object model 1, 2
objects 1, 2
adding properties 1, 2
confirming property type for 1
constructor function for 1
creating 1, 2
creating new types 1
deleting 1, 2
determining type of 1
establishing default 1
getting list of properties for 1
indexing properties 1
inheritance 1
initializers for 1
iterating properties 1
JavaScript in Java 1
literals 1
LiveConnect 1
model of 1, 2
overview 1
predefined 1
single instances of 1
arithmetic 1
assignment 1
bitwise 1
comparison 1
defined 1
instanceof 1
logical 1
order of 1
overview 1
precedence 1
special 1
string 1
OR (|) bitwise operator 1
OR (||) logical operator 1


packages, Java 1
Packages object 1
parentheses,non-capturing 1
parentheses in regular expressions 1, 2
parseFloat function 1
parseInt function 1
parse method 1
pattern matching
See regular expressions 1
PI property 1
predefined objects 1
primitive value, glossary entry 1
adding 1, 2
class-based languages and 1
confirming object type for 1
creating 1
getting list of for an object 1
indexing 1
inheritance 1, 2
initializing with constructors 1
iterating for an object 1
overview 1
static 1
prototype-based languages, defined 1
prototypes 1


quotation marks
for string literals 1


readonly constant,global constant 1
RegExp object 1, 2
regular expressions 1, 2
arrays and 1
creating 1
defined 1
examples of 1
global search with 1
ignoring case 1
parentheses in 1, 2
remembering substrings 1, 2
special characters in 1, 2
using 1
writing patterns 1
replace method 1
return statement 1
runtime errors 1


search method 1
server-side JavaScript 1
glossary entry 1
setDay method 1
setters 1
setTime method 1
short-circuit evaluation 1
sign-propagating right shift (>>) operator 1, 2
special characters in regular expressions 1, 2
special operators 1
split method 1
break 1
conditional 1, 2
continue 1
do...while 1
exception handling 1, 2
for 1 1
if...else 1
label 1
loop 1, 2
object manipulation 1, 2
overview 1, 2
switch 1
while 1
static, glossary entry 1
String function 1
string literals 1
Unicode in 1
String object
overview 1
regular expressions and 1
changing order using regular expressions 1
concatenating 1
operators for 1
regular expressions and 1
searching for patterns 1
type conversions (LiveConnect) 1
subclasses 1
sun package 1
switch statement 1


test method 1
this keyword 1, 2
described 1
for object references 1
throwing exceptions 1
throw statement 1
toString method 1
try...catch statement 1
typeof operator 1


unary negation (-) operator 1
undefined property 1
undefined value 1
conversions (LiveConnect) 1
unescape function 1
Unicode 1, 2
described 1
escape sequences 1
string literals and 1
Unicode Consortium 1
values for special characters 1
uppercase 1
conventions used 1
glossary entry 1


declaring 1
in JavaScript 1
naming 1
scope of 1
undefined 1
var statement 1
versions of JavaScript 1
void operator 1


while loops
continuation of 1
termination of 1
while statement 1
with statement
described 1
for Java objects 1
for JavaScript objects 1
WWW, glossary entry 1


XOR (^) operator 1


zero-fill right shift (>>>) operator 1, 2