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Nusphere PhpED 5.0 - Change Log

NuSphere PhpED - 5031
- 0001965: [Bug report] File Open/Save dialogs won't save their window size
- 0001966: [Bug report] HTML Validator installs with sounds turned on
- 0001967: [Bug report] Sometimes debugger will fail to stop on breakpoints
- 0001968: [Bug report] Debugger may cause php to crash when auto_append/prepend files are used
- 0001969: [Modification Request] Debugger is updated to version 3.2.7
- 0001970: [Modification Request] Debugger modules for Mac OS X / x86 added

NuSphere PhpED - 5030
- 0001936: [Bug report] When a docked window is pinned, it may cause the resize of the whole main window
- 0001939: [Bug report] Under some rare conditions, debugger may fail to trigger on breakpoints
- 0001938: [Bug report] DB Wizard, when finished will open results in a new window even though the file with the same name is already opened
- 0001937: [Bug report] File->SaveAs won't store file into remote server
- 0001931: [Bug report] Script generated by DB Wizard won't work with Oracle database
- 0001935: [Bug report] DB Client won't show default values in the Table Structure tab
- 0001934: [Bug report] DB Client should display tables as sub-items for schemas instead of "databases" when working with Oracle
- 0001933: [Bug report] Under some conditions, DB Client / Oracle account may fail to work with international characters
- 0001932: [Bug report] Script generated by DB Wizard won't work with Postgres database if table is not in default schema
- 0001940: [Modification Request] Debugger is updated to version 3.2.4

NuSphere PhpED - 5029
0001914: [Modification Request] Update Embedded Mozilla Browser to ver.
0001915: [Modification Request] Update debugger to ver. 3.2.3
0001916: [Bug report] Profiler window won't open automatically when debugger+profiler session is finished
0001917: [Modification Request] IDE should switch layout to "debugger" only after debugger entered "stopped" state for the first time
0001918: [Bug report] Output window may keep showing green triangle after debug session is cancelled
0001919: [Bug report] When debug session is started from the run history dropdown, it will ignore session and run with profiler settings
0001920: [Bug report] Ctrl + Drag on selection should allow to drag and get selected text copied

NuSphere PhpED - 5028
0001878: [Bug report] Editor incorrectly highlights escaped characters in the single-quoted strings
0001892: [Bug report] SRV server fails to work with files located in a directory that contains "+" in its name
0001891: [Bug report] Find Declaration may fail to find properties declared in the ancestor class
0001888: [Bug report] Debugger does not display internal functions in the call stack even if current php function is called from the internal one
0001881: [Feature request] Support for Ctrl+Mouse click to find declatation needed
0001893: [Modification Request] Upgrade php v4 to 4.4.7
0001894: [Modification Request] Upgrade php v5 to 5.2.3
0001895: [Modification Request] Upgrade PhpDocumentor to v1.3.2
0001876: [Modification Request] All user settings/configuration should be stored in the user profile instead of the application path
0001877: [Bug report] Editor may hang while editing XML files
0001879: [Bug report] PHP highlighter may fail to highlight variables in the HEREDOC blocks
0001880: [Bug report] Code templates may override text instead of wrapping it
0001882: [Feature request] Need a way to invoke settings for the embedded browsers (Firefox and IE)
0001883: [Bug report] Php profiler may fail to show file names in the table
0001884: [Bug report] Debugger goes inside the getter/setter methods even if stepped with StepOver button
0001885: [Bug report] Breakpoints do not work if remote root directory is entered with forward slashes in the project properties
0001886: [Feature request] Php profiler should be able to show hit counters for functions/methods, not only for lines
0001887: [Bug report] Profiler may fail to show charts for the lines inside functions/methods
0001889: [Feature request] Php profiler should display total time
0001890: [Bug report] Editor does not support charset/encoding for output produced by the script invoked via integration. Text may become corrupted.

NuSphere PhpED - 5025
0001848: [Bug report] File->Save may show list of extension in the Filter combo that does not correspond to the file being saved
0001847: [Bug report] Project properties->Mappings, ESC pressed after editing an input value may lead to the problems with focus
0001846: [Bug report] PhpED won't show icon overlays for files and directories that would reflect TortoiseSVN statuses (Vista)

NuSphere PhpED - 5023
0001830: [Feature request] Workspace and Explorer windows should support drag-drop operations originated from Windows Explorer
0001831: [Feature request] Drag-drop from Workspace window should insert require() instead of include() if Ctrl is pressed
0001832: [Bug report] Explorer window does not remember width of its colums
0001833: [Bug report] Code completion may fail to recognize class instance returned from a method and assigned to a property
0001834: [Bug report] Unexpected html entities may be shown in the debugger tooltip for a variable

NuSphere PhpED - 5022
0001820: [Bug report] File->save dialog may not select newly created directory
0001818: [Bug report] SFTP client may hang with "connecting" state when it connects to WinSSHD server
0001817: [Bug report] Changes for debugger port in the debugger settings are not propagated to DbgListener
0001816: [Bug report] Jump to file begin/end commands are switched in the list of shortcuts
0001815: [Feature request] Need an option to print out code with folds in their collapsed state
0001806: [Bug report] Docked windows do not change font size when big font (120dpi) is selected in the system settings
0001807: [Bug report] Hint with evaluated variable values follows caret position, not mouse
0001808: [Bug report] Hints with evaluated values may contain html entities like ' instead of single quotation mark as expected
0001809: [Bug report] Collapsed state for the folding blocks may not be saved
0001810: [Bug report] Add Watch popup adds variable to the Watch window and leaves gap there
0001811: [Bug report] Collapsed state for the folding blocks may be restored with wrong positions
0001812: [Bug report] A php class recursively inherited from itself by mistake may cause IDE to hang
0001813: [Bug report] Function parameters tooltip may contain extra closing square bracket for an optional argument
0001814: [Bug report] Table name copied to the clipboard from the Db Explorer window may contain "|" symbol at the end
0001819: [Bug report] Cancel may not stop SFTP client when it hangs with "connecting" state
0001821: [Bug report] Click on a file with picture in the workspace window does not open it with preview
0001822: [Bug report] Debugger may grab focus upon debug session start even if execution is not stopped on the 1st line
0001823: [Bug report] Number of "favorites" setting is not propagated tofile->open/save dialogs
0001824: [Bug report] Downloaded/Uploaded file may appear in an extra subdirectory with the same name as file

NuSphere PhpED - 5020
0001794: [Bug report] Code Folding -> Toggle All may trigger "List index out of bounds" error
0001795: [Feature request] Need shortcuts to collapse selection and expand a fold under cursor
0001789: [Bug report] IDE may crash if cancel is pressed in Transliteration Error dialog
0001790: [Bug report] WebDav connection by hostname may take much longer vs when direct IP address is used
0001791: [Bug report] If compression is enabled, WebDav may fail to work saying "invalid request"
0001792: [Bug report] WebDav may fail to connect with "Expected tag multistatus not found" error
0001793: [Bug report] Incorrect class inheritance may cause IDE to hang when Code Completion is invoked

This changelog reflects only fixes and updates developed after official release of 5.0 version. All features introduced with 5.0 version are listed here

Change log for previous version is available on this page